I Love Marvel and Star Wars. I Don't Want Them in Kingdom Hearts. Here's Why

Forewarning: this is essentially a bunch of opinions in an edited stream of consciousness; essentially my cleaned up thoughts about the subject discussed herein. Do with this rant what you will. Also, I know that it's been a long time since I've posted anything on this blog...but I guess I just found myself to be less of a blogger than I expected? Whatevs, on to opinions There are a lot of people who play the “Kingdom Hearts” series of video games (in the millions, I believe), an awesomely weird mixture of Disney films and SquareSoft (now Square-Enix) characters and storytelling, and there’s a special feeling (at least to me) that comes from finishing one of the games and getting excited to play the next one. One of the reasons why? New Disney worlds (no, not the amusement park.) No game has exactly the same Disney-themed worlds as another, though there are some games (mainly “Chain of Memories”/”Re:Chain of Memories”, “358/2 Days” and “Coded”/”Re:Coded”) tha...